I will share with you now some very moving moments and impressions, but I will not name any clubs or colours, I will just tell you about truthfully experiences I had:)

You need to know that, I’m part of a Motorcycle Ministry, called Ambassador of Jesus Christ, it is a World wide ministry. Our main point is to love people and preach the gospel, taking care of the ones not everyone wants. We are speaking about really dangerous people. We understand that Jesus comes for them as we come for all of us.
So, let’s start with a testimony happened in 2017…

We were invited as Ambassadors for Jesus Christ Motorcycle Ministry to a party in one for the biggest clubs worldwide in the north of Germany. We already knew that this event will be attended by countless clubs and normally this event is also attended by a large group of policemen, usually a police force, special task force and this time the SOKO Rocker was also present, who specialized in the biker + rocker scene.

So we arrived and had a body search by heavily armed officers and pictures of our vests and colours were taken before we were allowed to follow to the party. In Germany, at the moment most of the clubs are forbidden to wear vests. Even though the state has initiated laws, as soon as a club or a part of a club has become criminal, firstly this part of the club is closed (Chapter or Charter) and likewise all rockers in this club are forbidden to carry their vests further, which is denied however at the moment before the highest German judicial instances.
So finally arrived and welcome to all the mixed people, that looks usually.

After sitting at a table for some time, the Holy Spirit told me “Alex go inside and watch football”.  When I said I was not here to see football but he hadn’t left me alone with this idea, I went in obediently and stood at the counter. There were already two very drunk rockers, who were also very highly decorated. In the biker and rocker scene, members get badges for services rendered (similar to the army) but a little different. One of the men looked at my vest several times and then said,

“- I know this colour” (which means that he saw my vest before).

“-Really, how?” – I answer
So, he told me he was at a funeral in Scandinavia, and there were brothers of our ministry there. I told him, yes we also have brothers up in Scandinavia.
After that we started talk and this man started speak about very serious things in life, like the meaning of life or where he would be if he died. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not have such conversations if the person does not want this conversation with me, in other words, I live my faith and talk openly about it, but I respect the opinion of others, and especially in the biker and rocker scene. It happens very quickly that the confidence given to you is withdrawn again, and then most people really have a problem to know about it.
He frankly told me that he had already killed several people and shot several times, but at that moment he cried out to God and he saved Him every time.

Even though, he don’t feel that was worthy of the love and grace of Jesus. The noise was very loud in this clubhouse, so outside he opened more his hear and story life.  Such important things that if I ever called him by name, he would kill me, so you can imagine how it was.

Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said,
“Alex I want you to tell him now that it doesn’t matter how many people he killed or what else happened in his life, I paid the price on the cross for this man too.”

So I interrupted this trunk of a man and told him about it and he immediately started to cry, which I had not expected, because first this man was over 2m tall and twice as wide as me and secondly these men show feelings like this in the rarest cases.

The situation was not completely harmless, however, because 2m away stood its president and for those who are newcomers in the scene, if a ranking member or even a president gives an order to something, then this is executed. And now this giant stands before me and weeps, because by the touch of Holy Spirit.

After a time crying, I offer if I could pray for him, he said he wasn’t worth it, so I replied, we had this topic a few minutes ago and you’re still crying.

I could not pray for him on the spot, but I gave him a Bible and my business card of the ministry, because he had to be brought home by his brothers shortly afterwards… This does not correspond to the normal case, because usually the members leave the parties from outside with last and go frequently also into company.

I really thank God for the opportunity and glory is due to Him.

The thing is, every time we are in the motorcycle ministry I learn more and more that God’s opening doors, and he already pay for every single life in this world.
We were not worthy, but he made us worthy. Gave his life, love and grace! Freedom is for free and we can take it and live a totally different life, without any lack of love for he is the only one can really feed what we need!

God blessing

Best regards Alex.



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