I was wondering about our first post in 2019, what is the step of our journey right now that will be nice to share with you. Faster than I could think His voice came saying “Tell them about my voice and how do you learn to listen me”. Well, as it came from Holy Spirit, how can I denied that it is a super interesting subject to begin 2019 in our blog?

Did Everything Started With Dreams?

Most of all my friends think that journey of listening God started with nice encounters in dreams, as I really had them a lot. But, if you know how I gave my life to Jesus you wonder that it was a little bit different. It really started with His voice, a small voice inside of me. That day, I was in my old life, in my old “world”, when I woke up in my apparently wonderful world with the feeling that I was missing something. Wasn’t a rainy day, actually it was a beautiful day, a nice normal day when I just realized that I was naked.
That time I would say that I considered myself an atheist, even though I always had the old small bible honestly “catch forever” from my uncle Shalom, in my nightstand.
So, can imagine how it was for an atheist “thanks God”, to hear that small but, not invisible voice saying “It is me. You are missing me!”. Guys, as you probably know I’m also a psychologist and definitely listen voices is a symptom for us. But, that small voice speaking to me wasn’t nothing in my head, everything is good and still amazingly in perfect conditions.
I obeyed that voice, even didn’t understanding everything, opened that bible and reading the Psalm 38 I just understood that He was totally right, I was missing Him, missing who I’m.

From the small voice to the sound of thunder

In that day I already answer God with a yes, and asked him to change my life. Some weeks after, in a ‘define moment’ occasion, I was asked in marriage for my ex boyfriend, with whom I had a long time relationship before everything started with God. That night he offered me all that he could, as a men that want’s to merry a lady. I was honestly thinking in say yes, even if it was just to don’t embarrass him in that moment, but I just couldn’t, for in the first thought I had I listened the clear and out loud voice of thunder saying “No!”.
In this intense moment, I stop any movement, my voice couldn’t come and I stayed quiet for a long time. When I think again in say yes, the voice said again “No!” and complemented with a small voice saying “He don’t know who you are!”. I can’t explain but, my entire body was trembling. It was so important to God that he made it so clear, giving me the opportunity to listen the voice I just knew existed because it is in the bible.

Not always is so loud!

If I say to you that after this moment I could talk with God every day and listen this amazing voice of thunder that make me tremble, I will be a lier. My journey was just in the beginning and this moments are clear not usual, probably He really needed to talk with me in that way or I will never listen or understand the magnitude of my decisions, His grace was real in both moments in my life, it doesn’t mean that He will not teach me the other ways to listen Him.
As a parent, you will never speak with your kids in the same way, you will guide them to learn how to listen you in different situations which include when you are not there. It doesn’t mean that have moments that God is not with us, but He prepared us to listen His voice both in the storm and in the silence, out loud or a simple small voice inside of us.
So, there was that curious girl seeking to know who was this God that was very intentional to her, putting her heart to learn how to seek his voice.

Lots of people say that His voice is clear and that is not possible to confound with other voices, and even this being through in certain point it was very confusing to learn and understand when is His voice, when is my own voice and was the voice of the enemy.
Here is my understanding, if I want to know someone I need to have a relationship with this person, but where can I find God to develop a relationship with Him? Yes, I can call Him and say come on, let’s have a talk Papa and as He doesn’t have an Iphone I choose to read the bible and try to get everything I knew about Him, His voice and what He wanted from/for me.

Is that really you God?

In my journey, a nice brother blessed me with a book that helped me to keep walking and start to understand lots of things about the voice of God. Loren Cunningham wrote this book with Janice Rogers, and it is about how Loren walked and learned to listen God’s voice during his journey to found YWAM (Youth With a Mission). I highly recommend this book (Is that really you God? / In Portuguese the translation is “Pode falar, Senhor… estou ouvindo.”
During my process, I realize that God is always speaking, but our radio station is not always in his channel, this what I also learned with people like Bill Johnson, Kris Valloton and Shawn Bolz teachings.
I just realized that sometimes I didn’t stoped to listen God speaking or that sometimes I was afraid of what He could say. I had a mentality of fear, to be wrong, to lose the freedom in my decisions or simply to listen something that is not what I want to listen. Very human, right?

Starting to really hear God’s voice

I will say that we can hear God, but sometimes we just choose to don’t listen, don’t follow what He said. As a simple exemple, how many times our parents say “Don’t do this you will be hurt” as saying sometimes to a baby “Don’t put your finger in the socket, you can take a shock”, the curious nature and pioneering soul inside of us, sometimes guides us to learn living, right?
That’s so human, Adam and Eve tried that, not good, they really lose something that day, trouble! Trouble!
We can listen or not, and God is not afraid if we will do it. He is honestly prepared for our choices and never give up on us.
So, I started to really listen Him when I choose to confront the fear and change the vision I had about God. In small things, He started to teach me and it is until now my day by day process, to hear Him.
In the beginning He was speaking small things like, the favorite color of someone, a word to give to a person or also, He will give me dreams with instructions or just telling me things that will come.
I will never forget the first word I give to a girl. It is easy also to remember, because was my birthday and I was in the house of prayer they had in my church. When that girl came inside of the room I was with my eyes closed, and I saw two ladies coming with two angels in the back. One of them was huge, and I saw one with a strong armor and the other one with beautiful white clothes. God said that one was in a spiritual level and the other one was just starting to get to know Him. Then He focused in the blond girl that was starting to follow Him, telling me that her father worked in the healthy area, I got a picture of him in my mind. After, the word was simply an encouragement to her.
I went to talk with her, that was my first very time stepping in faith. I asked her if her dad worked in that area and she answered me that he was actually working in that area for the government of the city, of course she also wanted to know how did I knew that and I just said, that because Holy Spirit wanted me to tell you this “….”, that was also the first time I saw that I wasn’t just wondering something, I was really listening Him and partnering in what He wanted to do and also teach me.

A step to encourage you

As you notice, I can speak so much about His voice, because I’m passionate to hear God and get to know what He is thinking. But, my heart to tell you a little bit about my journey, in which I’m still a learner, is that: Encourage you to find God’s voice and take courage to hear what He want to say to you and to the people around you.
Different then what we thing, the voice of judgement don’t come from God, even He being the perfect judge, His voice is still the voice of hope, of a Father, a Brother and a Best friend that wants to have a relationship with us. He doesn’t want to make you feel ashamed of something, or guilt, on the opposite he wants to set you free of it, wondering to see you living in the peace you are created to live.


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